How B Vitamins May Protect Your DNA!


B Vitamins are responsible for assisting in thousands of interactions in the human body. The one we discuss today is one I bet you have not heard of before.

Protecting your DNA begins with what you eat, don’t eat and with the chemicals you are exposed to daily. Nutritional intake is critical for all body functions. Additionally, nutrient absorption is also critical. If you can’t absorb the nutrition does it matter? Of course it matters.

Do you know the best way to guarantee better nutrient absorption? It starts by chewing your food really well. Like 20 to 30 times per bite! Meats may require upwards of 50 chews per bite for better digestion and nutrient absorption. The next time you eat pay attention to how many times you chew your food. My guess is at most it is 10 times.

The average American doesn’t realize just how important the absorption of certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can be. As you will discover below, most nutrients work together in our body to make processes happen.

I want you to remember two words Methylation and Homocysteine.

DNA Protection is Critical

Some of the body processes make compounds such as hormones, enzymes and proteins, some processes change things such as converting the sugar in your foods into blood sugar called glucose. While others tear (cleave) things apart such as the dismantling of proteins in your body tissues to make blood sugars (glucose) if you do not get enough from your diet. As a by-product of some processes, toxic or damaging compounds are made. 

If you are lacking one of the nutrients vital to the process, over time DNA damage can occur creating illness and disease. A cell with damaged DNA replicates in a damaged state over and over. If it happens enough times mutations occur causing disease and illness. Free radicals from cigarette smoke, charred foods, air pollutants, chemicals in processed foods, lotions, makeup, soaps, food containers and in fact, many things we are exposed to can damage our DNA. Antioxidants and nutrients from healthy nutrient rich foods neutralize free radicals helping to prevent disease and illness.

Certain nutrients are absolutely critical for different body processes to function. If you are eating a diet rich in processed, refined and fast foods you are missing essential nutrients that can protect you from many adverse health conditions, illness and diseases. Just like you can’t build a house without wood, nails and tools. Your body systems can’t function adequately without certain nutrients in adequate amounts.

B Vitamins, Methylation and Homocysteine?

You probably have not heard of methylation or homocysteine. However, both have a big impact on your health at the cellular level and are tied together in a unique way. Your diet has a huge influence on both the methylation process and homocysteine.

What are methylation and homocysteine?

Homocysteine is a harmful protein formed during the methylation process in our bodies. In particular, The Methionine Cycle. High homocysteine levels can cause, neurological conditions, stroke, heart disease and cancers. Homocysteine can be converted back to important non-harmful compounds if you have the right nutrition available.

Methylation is a key biochemical process that occurs millions and maybe even a billion times a second (I would call that warp speed)) and is critical, even essential for the proper function of almost all of your body’s systems. Methylation helps repair your DNA, reduce inflammation and keep the cellular detoxification system functioning at optimal levels. The methylation process helps recycle two very power molecules, glutathione (GSH) and methionine from homocysteine.

For the methylation process to function optimally it is very dependent on Selenium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), Vitamin B9 (folate), Choline and the compound betaine. Betaine is a derivative of the amino acid glycine and is also converted from the essential nutrient Choline. If you have low levels of these B Vitamins, homocysteine levels build because it can’t be converted to Sam-e or GSH without them.

How Does Homocysteine Affect Our Health?

As homocysteine levels increase this can result in damage to our DNA and increasing cellular inflammation across our body. Higher levels of homocysteine are associated with an increase in heart disease and cancer in some studies and not as much in other studies. However, what the other studies did show consistently was that levels of HDL (heart protective cholesterol) were low when homocysteine was high all while Folate, B2, B6 and B12 levels were low. We know adequate levels of these nutrients lower homocysteine levels thereby by increasing cell and heart protective HDL cholesterol levels.

The relationship with cancer and homocysteine levels provided similar results in studies for different cancers. It’s confusing. They find that there is an association between breast cancer and lower levels of B6, B12, Folate but not necessarily because of elevated homocysteine. Still,  lower levels of these nutrients are linked to a greater risk of breast and other cancers.

If you want to protect your DNA and reduce your risk of cancers and heart disease make sure you are getting adequate levels of Selenium, B2, B6, B12, Folate and Choline. Everyday, have several servings of a variety of colorful foods from the garden to reduce your risk of disease and illness. The common theme from almost every health organization says to “increase our intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and nuts and seeds and reduce our intake or processed foods, red and processed meats. “

Healthy Wishes!

Wally Bishop I.N.H.C., C.N.C.


Vive Shake

The contents of this blog are not and should not be considered medical advice. This blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Never quit taking prescription medications unless advised to do so by your doctor.

Aging, How Do We Slow it Down? Telomeres?

I don’t want to age any faster than necessary and I am sure you don’t want to either. And what in the world is a telomere?

Enjoy All Life Has to Offer!!
Enjoy All Life Has to Offer!!

Did you realize you have a profound affect on how quickly your body ages?  Every morning looking in the mirror can tell us how we are aging externally. The real issue is how you are aging internally. How well are your cells and ultimately your organs and glands holding up against the daily assault of free radicals, toxins, stress and nutritional deficiencies?  The idea is to slow down the aging process if we can.  There are things you can do to not only reduce the aging process but also maybe even reverse it in some cases.

Can We Slow Down Aging, YES! The sooner in life you begin to live a life of wellness the younger your body can be, as you get older.

So what does aging really mean? Technically, aging is a combination of all metabolic life activities, the effects of exposure to toxins, microbial agents, and nutrient deficiencies and their total combined effect over time on each cell.

I am going to try to keep this simple! Anti-aging is the positive effect of the antioxidants and nutrients we pour into our body that counter the negative effects of the metabolic processes and our exposure to toxins in our environment, food, air.

As part of life, we are exposed to microorganisms, environmental toxins, drugs, emotional toxicities, unhealthy foods, nutrient deficiencies and stress; let’s call these “negative health catalyst”, or NHC. These NHCs have a direct impact on our cells ability to continue to replicate in a healthy state. NHCs can cause damage to the cell and even DNA in our cells. They do this in different ways. In one case they cause free radicals to form that can damage the cells and even the DNA in the cell to the point that the cell will begin to replicate itself in an unhealthy state.  In another way they lower our immune function to the point that the immune system is not healthy enough to stop the growth of bacteria, viruses, micro organisms and even mutated cells and the mutated cells can multiply to the point of disease. In another way they turn on the adverse health potential of certain genes to express themselves as disease and illness, but potentially the most damaging effect of these NHCs is their ability to shorten our telomeres and cause damage to our DNA through free radical damage to our cells.

What Causes Aging?

In my opinion the biggest causes of aging are:


What Are Telomeres?

In this Illustration The Red Caps Are Telomeres
In this Illustration The Red Caps Are Telomeres

Our genes are located on twisted, double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres, Telomeres are protective DNA-protein complexes, which protect our genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide and hold some secrets to how we age and get cancer. Think of the plastic caps on the end of your shoelaces. This is sort of what the telomeres look like. They keep the strands of chromosomes from unraveling. As the effects of NHCs advance our cellular aging the telomeres get shorter and shorter.   Once the telomeres get so short, the cell can no longer replicate and aging accelerates.

To strengthen our telomere’s we must increase the presence of the enzyme telomerase in our cells. Telomerase is an enzyme that is responsible for keeping telomeres healthy. As we age our body’s produce less and less telomerase thus we begin to age faster and faster. In addition, the NHC’s also slow down the cellular production of telomerase.

How do we slow down the aging Process?

By living a lifestyle of wellness we greatly enhance our potential for slowing the aging process and having a life of vibrant health.  Recent studies even show that a lifestyle of wellness actually can increase the cellular production of telomerase and improve overall health. If we remove NHC’s and include nutrient dense foods (lots and veggies and fruits), pure water, relaxation, adequate sleep, health building exercise, fresh air, sunshine and emotional and spiritual balance, we can improve every facet of our health potential. You can in many cases trump genetic tendencies.  The way you live has such a powerful effect on your health that it literally can mean the difference between sudden death and a life of longevity with vibrant health.

Vive is very anti-aging! Vive is made from whole foods and contains a bounty of nutrients that boost every aspect of your cellular health!! I developed Vive to be easy to use. It’s basically a shake it up and go, super nutrient dense meal replacement. All plant-based foods are anti-aging. The brighter and deeper the colors the more powerful the antioxidant protection!  You can add Vive to any smoothie you make in your NutriBullet. It’s easy, add your veggies and fruits, then add a scoop or two of Vive, then you cold liquid of choice and you have a super charged nutrient dense shake!! Every cell in your body will wake up and shout for more. Everyday eat a healthy plant based diet, exercise, manage stress and your body will begin to restore itself.!

Healthy Wishes

Wally Bishop C.N.C.

Vive Developer

The contents of this blog is not and should not be  considered medical advice. This blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Never quit taking prescription medications unless advised to do so by your doctor.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not used as a cure, treatment or diagnosis for any disease or illness.