Is Nutrition Really Important?

Nutrition Makes Healthy Bodies!
Nutrition Makes Healthy Bodies!

Hold the cheese! Wait hold the Mac-n-Cheese! Say what?

Our bodies amazingly can live for a long time on little nutrition but over time the nutrient reservoir in our body shrinks if we don’t refill it.  At some point because your cells are not being fed adequate nutrition or because your cells no longer have the nutritional reserves to protect and repair themselves they become sick and then replicate in a sick or diseased state. Eventually the cell can mutate into a cancerous cell. Normally a body with plenty of nutrition will have cells that can repair themselves or they will self-destruct. Additionally, you will have an immune system that is able to recognize the sick or mutated cell and kill it. This is why nutrition and nutrient absorption is so important. Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants are vital for building a healthy body. Every tissue and bone of your body, every chemical that your body makes, every blood cell, every hormone and immune system compounds, EVERYTHING requires a certain amount of nutrients.

Cells don’t live on French fries, cheeseburgers and mac-n-cheese. The body breaks down what we eat, searching for macronutrients and micronutrients.  Macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and protein.  Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants and other phytonutrients.  Hold up, you just said macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and protein and  that is exactly what French fries, cheeseburgers and mac-n-cheese provide, right? Well yes, it is in fact very rich in these but has very little of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids and antioxidants which are in fact what makes cells function.  Think of carbohydrates, fats and proteins as part fuel and part nutrient delivery system. The job of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is to provide calories for energy and provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants are vital for building a healthy body that the body needs to operate, build and repair.

The average adult has approximately 100 trillion cells and every cell in your body operates like a miniature city or country. Wow that’s hard to comprehend! Each cell has it’s own waste removal and trash disposal system (lymphatic system) It has it’s own defense system (immune system) with Army’s to destroy invaders and internal threats (cancer cells) and it’s own engineers and maintenance system to rebuild and repair what ever needs it. In addition, it has it’s on monitoring system (endocrine system) to sense when any part of your body has a need and direct the action. It has workers (enzymes) that make every task happen.

Cells make up organs and tissues in our bodies.  And even though they are in a most amazing way self-sufficient they also work in harmony together to make organs, muscles and tissues work. Just imagine making a fist with your hand. All of those muscles in your arm and hand had to operate together and in perfect harmony to make that fist. Additionally, your brain had to send signals through the nervous system to tell every cell exactly what to do. This requires your body to have healthy nerve cells and have the ability to make neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that make those signals happen.

Your body has power plants in each cell that deliver the needed energy to sustain life and operate it’s own internal systems while fueling the bigger picture of muscles, organs and systems. It takes many vitamins and minerals to make energy possible. It takes the vitamin’s A, C, D, K2 and the minerals magnesium, boron and strontium to make healthy bones. Follow me so far?

Body building, protecting and repairing nutrients come from real foods and the richest foods in nutrients is by far and away plant foods. Processed and refined foods are absent enough nutrition to support and build a healthy body.  In fact processed and refined foods are anti-nutrients. They rob much-needed nutrients from our nutritional reserves. The SAD (standard American diet) is the biggest cause of disease and illness across our planet. Our diet has migrated across the globe and is now inflicting its participants with alarming rates of disease and illness.

It’s never to late to make your body healthier if you are willing to make the change. Many times disease and illness can even be reversed through a highly nutritious diet and being more physically active.

Vive is full of nutrition from plants that build healthy bodies. Vive supports healthy body functions. Making Vive a daily part of your diet can enrich your life by helping you build a healthy body with plenty of energy.

Healthy Wishes

Wally Bishop C.N.C.

Vive Developer

The contents of this blog is not and should not be  considered medical advice. This blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Never quit taking prescription medications unless advised to do so by your doctor.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not used as a cure, treatment or diagnosis for any disease or illness.

After Thanksgiving Body Cleanse,

Oh I ate too much!

I still smell the pumpkin pie and turkey! I love this time of year. It rings of comforting nostalgia, the crisp air, Pumpkin pie, apple cider and cinnamon, can you smell it? I can close my eyes and think back to being 8 years old in moms kitchen and the aroma of pumpkin pie and sweet potato souffle make me smile, it just makes me feel good regardless what kind of life I am having. I also think the act of kindness and charity at this time of year seems to give a greater meaning to life. It’s not all about me, it’s about us.  There is much to be grateful for.

This is just one day or at most one weekend of a change to your normal healthy (hope you are eating healthy) dietary routine. Don’t get all worried about it. Enjoy it, try not to over do too much and get back to normal as soon as you are able.

For many of us, the Thanksgiving week-end is a detour to our bodies normally dietary intake. We end up eating a lot of foods that pollute our bodies. Regardless how hard you try you must give in a little to those sumptuous tasting yet not very healthy foods,  it’s Thanksgiving after all. After three or four days of eating a few of the normally avoided foods my body is rebelling and I feel bloated and heavy and I can’t wait to get back to a clean body.  Frankly, by the time Sunday arrives I have had enough and my body is in shock from all the calories, simple carbohydrates and excessive protein. For those of you that eat fairly healthy and would like to get your body back to normal as quick as possible try this short and simple approach.  If you don’t eat healthy this would be a good way to start.

This is not intended to be a total body cleanse. If you have been eating a poor diet for a long time you will need to do a different and more intense cleanse,  however that type of cleanse should only be done under the supervision of a qualified health professional.

The question is, how do we get our bodies back to normal as quick as possible after the holiday? It’s fairly simple. We need to aid our body in cleansing out the junk through a light diet and exercise. The diet will help in the cleanse and exercise will get our lymphatic system moving the junk out. The lymphatic system is part of our cellular waste and toxic material removal system. It relies totally of the movement of our muscles to pump our lymphatic fluid throughout our body. Unlike our circulatory system that depends on our heart, our skeletal  muscles do the job for the lymphatic system. For example; when your arms and leg muscles contract, they squeeze the lymphatic fluid through the lymphatic system. The body is so amazing.

An infrared  sauna can also help remove toxins through your sweat.

Suggested Dietary Changes for 3 days

Day 1 Healthy Liquids Only  (Vive!™ ,cleansing lemonade, warm green tea)

Day 2 Healthy Liquids and select vegetables and fruits only

Day 3 Healthy Liquids, select vegetables, fruits and a few cooked vegetables.

Day 4  Slowly add other healthy whole grains, beans and nuts and seeds back to your diet.

Recipe; Cleaning Lemonade  ( taste very good, you can drink this everyday if you wanted to)

  • 110 ounces of purified water or spring water
  • 1 to 1.5 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice  ( I use the juice and pulp from 7 lemons )
  • 6 ounces of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • optional- 4 ounces of blackstrap molasses (this is optional) add to mix if exercising or sweating from working out or exercising
  • Stevia and/or xylitol as sweetener, sweeten to your taste preference

Warm Green Tea (if you can get Matcha tea it is even better!)

My Cleansing Routine

Day 1

On Monday I will start a liquid only diet for 24 hours. The contents for my day are; Vive!™ , the cleansing lemonade and warm green tea. My diet will consist of 2 scoops of my Vive!™ with 12 ounces of water 3 times that day, 40 ounces of cleansing lemonade, consumed throughout the day and 24 ounces of warm green tea.  It does not matter when you drink the lemonade or green tea. The Vive!™ is taken at breakfast, lunch, late afternoon and early evening, no later than 7:00PM.

Exercise for 45 minutes to 1 hour, work up a good sweat. If you can only walk for 5 minutes, walk for five minutes 2 or 3 times every day and slowly build up your time till you can walk comfortably for 30 minutes at a time. Only exercise if you have your doctors OK.

Day 2

On Tuesday I will cut the Vive!™ intake to 2 times that day, will continue the cleansing lemonade and will add raw vegetables and fruit to my diet.  Continue to exercise and sweat.  If you have a NutriBullet put it to use making smoothies with veggies and low sugar fruits.

Breakfast is 1 Vive!™ shake

Mid morning snack will be a small to medium apple with almond butter.

Lunch, I will have a salad with spinach, romaine lettuce, orange bell pepper, carrots, zucchini squash, onion, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, and portabello or crimini mushrooms. Dressing will be balsamic vinegar and olive oil. You can add spices of your choice. If you prefer put it in the NutriBullet for a smoothie!

I eat a salad at least 5 days per week and some days I will have one at lunch and dinner! A salad is hard to beat for building health as long as you do not use unhealthy dressings.  A dressing high in sugar content or those that contain high fructose corn syrup can neutralize some of the health benefits that a salad provides. Using too much salad dressing, even a healthy one can sabotage the benefits from lower calories a salad naturally offers. Also look for salad dressings using olive oil in place of soy or other vegetable oils. They are healthier.

Mid afternoon I will have another Vive!™ drink.

Dinner, I will have another salad.

Mid evening  snack; a smoothie with 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries with 1 to 2 cups cup almond milk and stevia for extra sweetness. Blend and enjoy

Day 3

Vive!™ is consumed twice per day on going. I will continue drinking the cleansing lemonade ongoing, I like it.

I will add back a little cooked food to my diet. Cooked food is optional. There are many days I do not eat any cooked food. The schedule is the same as day 2 except for dinner. You can switch lunch and dinner at any time. Many people say it is best to eat your heaviest meals at mid day. I grew up eating my largest meal at dinner and most of the time I have continued that tradition.  It is best not to eat at least 2 hours before bed time.

Dinner;  steam 1 large head of broccoli, 1 cup asparagus spears,  then saute in olive oil 3/4 cup onions,  3 cloves of garlic, 1 cup of diced mushrooms, 1 whole red yellow pepper, 1 whole tomato (optional) and 2 cups diced purple cabbage.

Evening snack; mixed fruit

Ongoing days

Slowly add your normal foods back to your diet, hopefully healthy foods! Continue to drink at least 1/2  of your body weight in ounces of water per day.  Be sure to include beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds with your daily dietary routine, they provide great health benefits.  Exercise must be a regular part of your daily routine.

This is a great time to keep the healthy eating going. variety is the key to being happy when eating very healthy. Use a variety of Beans, lentils, nuts and seeds and a few whole grains along with your vegetables to keep meals interesting. If eating meats keep them free range and organic lean cuts. Fish should always be wild caught and eggs should be free range organic eggs.

Healthy Wishes

Wally Bishop C.N.C.


The contents of this blog is not and should not be  considered medical advice. This blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Never quit taking prescription medications unless advised to do so by your doctor.

Exercise, Lighten Up and Get Fit

Family Having Fun Exercising!

Everyone that needs to lose weight wants to do it the easiest and fastest way. I certainly wanted that as I started my weight loss journey. I sought out every possible means to get rid of the fat other than changing my lifestyle.

Where does exercise fit into weight loss? Well, exercise provides many health benefits beyond weight loss but today lets just talk weight loss and exercise.

My clients vary in nutrition and weight loss knowledge when they first come to see me, which is to be expected. Most think they can exercise two or three times per week and lose weight, it’s not going to happen unless you have been completely sedentary and obese. If you are obese and sedentary any exercise at this point is going to pick your metabolism up and burn more calories. So, if you are not overeating and moving, an obese person may lose weight while exercise two or three times per week.

However, the average overweight or obese person needs activity at least 5 days per week to pump their metabolism up. If they were exercising more and eating healthier they wouldn’t need to lose the weight! I promise, if you exercise for a minimum of 60 minutes per day, 5 days every week and eat within your calorie budget YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT!  You see, while really healthy foods provide the nutrition needed to turn fat into energy, the exercise is the fire to consume the fat. It takes both to maximize the fat lose. If you are just beginning to exercise take it slow and get your doctors approval before starting any exercise program.

Exercise tips

  • If you want to lose weight you need to exercise for a minimum of 1 hour at least 5 days per week. You might be able to do it with less exercise time but the approach I recommend will maximize your weight loss. You may hear that you can do high intensity or interval exercise for 20 minutes 3 times per week and lose weight. If you are moderately overweight and in good physical health, yes it can work. However, once you get down to the last 30 pounds and you have exercised for a while and are fit, then high intensity-interval (anaerobic) training along with aerobic and muscle-building exercise is needed to remove the remaining, unnecessary fat.
  • Exercising multiple times per day is very beneficial.   Three 20 minute walks will keep your metabolism going longer than walking for one hour.
  • Vary your exercise intensity. If walking, take 30 seconds and walk at a faster pace, then walk at your normal pace for a few minutes, then repeat throughout the walk. This also applies to any exercise type such as bicycling or running. You can also increase your intensity by selecting routes that have hills for you to walk, run or bike on.
  • Do different types of exercise at different times. Our body adapts to our routines very quickly and will become very efficient. Keep your body guessing by doing your exercise at different times or do a different type of exercise.
  • To maximize your weight loss you need to engage in aerobic, anaerobic and muscle-building and toning exercises.
  • Many people are turning to cross fit exercise programs. Cross fit includes a variety of exercises that promote a broader range of fitness and reduce the risk of injury from exercise.

My favorite exercise is bicycling. You can make bicycling as intense or as leisurely as you want. It is the perfect exercise (my opinion) because it is very low impact on the joints, can provide aerobic, anaerobic and strength training all in one session. It can be done every day.  And it is fun with friends and family!

Exercise can be so fun that you can over do it. Pace yourself, drink adequate fluids with electrolytes and get plenty of rest in between exercise activities.

All exercise is good exercise. Do different exercises and make them fun and enjoyable.

Healthy Wishes for  Lighter and Healthier Body

Wally Bishop C.N.C.



The contents of this blog is not and should not be  considered medical advice. This blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Never quit taking prescription medications unless advised to do so by your doctor.

WebND / Renewal and Wellness

At WebND / Renewal and Wellness, the focus is on promoting health and wellness while preventing illness and disease naturally. They achieve this through dietary and lifestyle consulting as well as dietary and lifestyle seminars and classes. They take your nutrition very seriously. That’s why they formulate their own nutritional products and provide the highest quality, affordable nutritional products that really make a difference. Additionally, they tailor your diet and supplementation to your specific needs. They are also the largest Protocel distributor. Both Protocel 23 and Protocel 50 along with Biosuperfood are available from WebND and Renewal and Wellness. Having a knowledgeable and friendly team means going the extra mile to insure your needs are meet. Visit them online at or For phone orders call 864-962-8880 or 888-581-4442.