How Does Your Attitude Affect Your Health?


Natures Best Attitude Adjuster-Laughter!


I want you to seriously consider this question.  Is your current level of  health as good as you desire and what influence does your attitude (joy, sadness, happiness, love, anger, envy) and your thoughts have on your health?  Does your health give you the ability to do anything you would want, within reason? If not, then maybe you need to do a self-evaluation to see if your thoughts and attitude may be keeping you from having the health and life you wish.

Ponder this statement; “your thoughts are the architecture of your reality.” We have all read and heard various comments about the power of positive thinking and having a positive attitude. So to what level does this play in your health? We know for a fact that a smile and laughter cause positive physiological reactions that promote a healthier mind and body.

Thoughts are the ingredients that make our attitude. Physiologically our bodies respond to negative thoughts differently than pleasant thoughts.  For example, our body responds to our negative attitude by releasing stress hormones which cause many adverse effects, such as lowering immune function, building abdominal fat, increase insulin resistance and increasing blood pressure. It also increases cellular damage through an increase in free radical attacks. In other words it will increase your risk for developing cardiovascular and heart disease and premature aging.

When the alarm clock rudely awakes you in the morning what is your second thought. I know what the first one is, destroy the alarm clock! (That thought is involuntary and doesn’t count.)  I quickly recover and thank God for another day to do something good.  What are your next preceding thoughts? Are you grateful God has granted you favor with another day to enrich your life or someone else? Do you smile and think “today is going to be great, I am not going to let anything or anyone rob me from joy today, I am going to do something nice for someone else today!”  If you begin the day with positive thoughts you will have a positive day. Our attitude is our choice. Another person cannot cause you to have a bad day unless you let them.

You are the master of your thoughts, which are the master of your attitude which ultimately help you master your health, happiness and all areas of your life.

If you need to lose weight, attitude is very important. Negative thoughts are defeatist and set you up for failure. If you are an emotional eater (eat when you are sad or angry) you will use the fact that you ALLOWED someone to get you upset or make you sad as an excuse for your damaging behavior.  If you want to lose weight you must be positive, motivated and resilient. You must not let anything or anyone get in your head. There can be no excuses. No one can make you do anything unless you allow them that power.  Your health should be so important to you that it is the 1st priority. Without your health you will not be around as long as you would like to enjoy and help those you love, it’s a fact.

If you have a family history of cancer, diabetes or heart disease, there are NO EXCUSES. You should be seeking out the best preventive lifestyle available and putting it into place. If your job is causing you undue stress you can’t handle, change jobs or careers, it’s never too late.  If you have relationship problems fix it or change it.  Your health and theirs is worth it.

I challenge you to make it a priority to put positive thoughts in your mind and heart.  Your thoughts lead to positive actions and positive actions lead to positive results.

Your thoughts are literally the architecture for your health and happiness!

Healthy Wishes

Wally Bishop C.N.C.


3 thoughts on “How Does Your Attitude Affect Your Health?

  1. As a new subscriber, I would love to see a link to email articles to my friends. I do not “tweet”. Also could you arrange to put your articles in “print” form? The one above is really well written and I would like to post it so I am reminded of the advice everyday but don’t want all the other information. To print this article I ended up with FOUR sheets of paper and it took two pages for this one written by Wallace Bishop.

    Hope you can oblige,

    Pauline Anderson

  2. “How Does Your Attitude Affect Your Health?
    Bites of Life” was certainly pleasurable and educational!
    In the present day society that is difficult to execute.
    Many thanks, Pedro

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